“We will make the case loud and clear that New Jersey deserves better from our next senator.

Throughout Bob’s nearly nineteen years of managerial leadership, which included serving as CFO, President & COO, CEO, and Chairman & CEO, Celgene achieved unprecedented growth and produced outstanding results. Bob Menendez, and the federal corruption charges against him that were recently dropped. Bob Hugin retired as Executive Chairman and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Celgene Corporation. The Republican wasted little time taking shots at two-term incumbent Sen. CEO of biopharmaceutical multinational Celgene since 2010, Robert J Hugin is the chairman of the board of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America. Hugin has been appointed to Allergans Board of. If President Trump or any other Republican has an idea or view that’s bad for New Jersey, I will forcefully stand up and disagree with them,” he said. Darden School of Business, University of Virginia. 19, 2019 /PRNewswire/ - Allergan plc (NYSE: AGN ), a leading global biopharmaceutical company, today announced that Robert J. “If Governor Murphy or Senator Booker have a good idea that makes sense for New Jersey I will stand up and support them. Chris Christie’s failed presidential bid, turned staunch supporter for President Trump, but Hugin says he’s ready to go to Washington with his mind set on doing what’s right for the state. He joined Celgene in June 1999 and has been a director of the company since December 2001. He was a major financial donor to former Gov. Robert Hugin is chairman and CEO of Celgene, a biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery, development and commercialization of innovative therapies for unmet medical needs in cancer and immune-inflammatory disease. Bob Hugin recently retired from Celgene, a New Jersey based biotech company that develops medicines, most notably for cancer treatment.